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Freedom Sessions-Internal Healing




My husband and I enjoy ministering spiritual and emotional healing through Freedom Sessions online with Zoom. These sessions are generally two hours long.  Christ came to set the captives free, and we have received this mantle from the Lord. Our desire is to see each person walking in their God-given destiny. Over time, wounds happen, cycles occur, and generational sin affects the bloodline. When we appropriate the power of the cross over the DNA, we bring victory to generational bloodlines for the purpose of carrying the glory. It is our most profound passion to see bloodlines restored to God’s original intent. Past events or current circumstances cause emotional and mental distress.  One-time events of hardship can negatively shape us.  If you can't seem to move forward, we can assist you in getting the help you need.

We also offer Strategic

Prophetic Coaching:

We are booking strategic

prophetic coaching sessions.

For more information

email us below.


These are just some of the areas to which we have ministered:     


Molestation                              Rape

Trauma                                     Freemasonry

Abuse                                       History of Cultism                   

Rejection                                  Orphan

Abandonment                         Anger

Sexuality                                   Fear

Demons                                    Attack in Dreams

We have ministered to many people, including prophets and prophetic people, by the mantle of the Lord.   It is highly significant, as an oracle of God, to deal with all issues of the heart so that they cannot contaminate your voice. The lens that we see and hear the Father through is related to our foundation.  When we walk through the healing process, we make our foundation solid in Jesus Christ.

We focus on prayer ministry and do not offer counseling services.  We are not a church, but dedicated to the traveling ministry.  The hourly fee is $100 for each hour.  These sessions are 2 hours long, which is what we recommend.

Proverbs 11:25 “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.”  

One definition of the word “refreshed” is to provide new vigor and energy through rest, food, and care. Some synonyms of this word include:

  • revived

  • renewed

  • revitalized

We celebrate Jesus Christ!  Because of Him, we are able to set captives free and bind up wounds.

We are currently scheduling new clients.  Go to the bottom of the page and read our outline.

Please watch this short intro!


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Freedom Session by Kingdom Flame ministries

Emotional Healing!

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Freedom Session by Kingdom Flame ministries


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Freedom Session by Kingdom Flame ministries

Generational Curses

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Physical  Healing!

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freedom session by kfm
April Speaking in SC
Freedom Session by Kingdom Flame ministries

Transformative on many levels

My sessions with April and Richard have been transformative on many levels, some of which I am certain I haven’t even seen the fullness of yet. They do incredible work in the spirit realm! I’ve been able to both learn from their methods as well as simply receive healing and deliverance through their prayers. Most importantly, my sessions with them have increased my awareness of my authority. I have grown in confidence in who the Lord has created me to be. Their prophetic discernment has offered a lot of confirmation and encouragement to me. I’ve felt fear being dismantled, generational strongholds being shaken, and self-doubt and self-condemnation dissolve. Thank you Jesus!

                                                            Love you guys,   Allie

Freedom Session by Kingdom Flame ministries

Not Damaged Goods

The Lord spoke to us about this person and said "she is not 'damaged goods'".  April and I had broke off this generational lie of the enemy that she was damaged goods because of what happened to her early in her life.  She was traumatized, but God was able to set her free.  We have seen others set free in this area. 

Freedom Session by Kingdom Flame ministries

I'm not Crazy!

The most freeing thing I have experienced through the freedom sessions is the space to be open and discuss my “issues” and not feel judged. I now understand that I’m not crazy, and there is a solution. Jesus cares about every single little detail of my life (thoughts, emotions, and experiences), and I can fully trust and believe in Him to set me free from anything that hinders me from moving forward into my destiny!

Freedom Session by Kingdom Flame ministries

Testimonies of a Healing!

Some of us go through life with problems that we cannot seem to get over.  We know somehow that there are issues that need to be resolved, but have no idea where to start.  I am so thankful for April and Richard, for their diligence in studying and becoming knowledgeable in areas that are so horrible, that most people don’t want to deal with them.  Because of their Freedom Sessions, I am experiencing freedom in areas that I thought I would never be free in.  I have hope, I have peace, and more and more, I am walking in my true identity. I am extremely thankful to my Savior and Deliverer and for His servants, April and Richard, for ministering freedom to the captives.  There is hope!


Freedom Session by Kingdom Flame ministries

Felt like Family

I would love to thank Richard and April for their love and care. When I met them and began prayer I felt like family automatically. 

I’ve received so much breakthrough without even trying to do so. My family has also seen healing through my healing! 




Cast out Demons

April's freedom sessions have been incredible!! I’ve had generational curses broken off of me. I feel more sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.  I also am experiancing  His presence in a greater measure.  Also, my Christian mother was tormented by demons for years !! This torment was removed through April being a seer by the power of the Holy Spirit !! She’s been set free from years of what I thought were mental problems, but April saw it in the spirit! Wow, this was real demonic activity operating in my mother’s life. So thankful for April and her husband Richard!!!


Here is a testimony of Narine's session:

After our session today, I sat on the balcony and wept. I had no idea why, but I just wanted to cry. I was overwhelmed by all that was happening. I had to take everything in and process it slowly. I’m so glad that the lord is exposing it all and bringing it to the surface so it can be cared for.

I’d like to sincerely applaud and thank you both for all you do for the kingdom of God. I feel very blessed to know such sincere people who want to see God's children set free. My sessions have been amazing! I feel so much lighter and better than before. My husband noticed the difference in my eyes after the first session. He said I had this sparkle in my eye and a big smile on my face when he walked in. Layers are being peeled off like an onion, one layer at a time! God is soo soooo soooo good! All the honor and glory be to God! May the Lord bless you and your ministry always!


Looking forward to my next session!


April Speaking in CA Part 1
April Speaking in CA Part 2

We'd love to hear from you! Please feel free to fill out the "Get in Touch" link below or email us at for more information.


Once we receive your inquiry through the form or email, we will be happy to send you additional details about our sessions. We'll also ask for your preferred dates and times to schedule a session.

Our Ministry Sessions are typically conducted by both of our dedicated team members and last about 2 hours. Sometimes, follow-up sessions may be necessary, so we recommend setting aside two to four consecutive weeks for your ministry journey.

We do request a donation fee of $100.00 per hour for the 2-hour session, bringing the total to $200.00. At this time, we do have free Freedom Session slots available. As a ministry, we are not a church and rely on donations to fulfill the mission God has given us.

Blessings, Richard & April

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Kingdom Flame Ministries

PO Box 528

Nicholasville, KY 40340
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