April Stutzman is a "No Nonsense" woman of God. She is sold out to the Lord Jesus Christ. She is a true worshiper who worships Him in spirit and in truth. April uses the Scriptures as a weapon to defeat the enemy. She knows her authority in Christ, and God uses her to deliver and set the captives free. The joy of the Lord is her strength. April is a "Fire Ball" & Holy Spirit uses her to change atmospheres and nations. She operates through the Father's heart of love. She preaches the Good News with Power, with signs and wonders following.
I am so honored to know April and to co-labor with her.
She is a multi faceted "Gem" in the Body of Christ
God's Eagle Ministries
Richard and April Stutzman are faithful followers of Jesus. It has been a joy to have Richard as a friend for many years since we met at our church, and He participated in our Healing Rooms training. In the forty years I have been in ministry, we don’t know anyone personally who has grown more in their understanding and practice of using their God-given spiritual gifts than Richard. He is always poised to use his incredible gifts of words of knowledge and healing in worship, teaching, and in the marketplace. He is a gifted teacher. He seems always ready to be used by God and is never hesitant to speak and do what he hears God say. Although we have known April for less time, we have watched God use both of them as a faithful team to bring healing and transformation to the lives of those they touch. We wholeheartedly endorse their individual and team ministry.
North Carolina State Directors,
International Association of
Healing Rooms
Spiritual Formation Directors,
Disciple 21 Church Planting Network
Gary&Marcia Ball
Ordination Richard and April Stutzman
Ordination Richard and April Stutzman